Descent from Adam and Eve

Descent from Adam and Eve is the belief that every human being on Earth is a descendant of Adam and Eve.[1] Some adherents claim to have traced their lineage through generations of descendants back to Adam and Eve.[2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]



Those claiming to have achieved reaching back to Adam and Eve have supposedly done so through royal family lines, which recorded their descent and kinship, thus serving as "highways" to earlier people. This was possible because they descend from monarchs.

Some claims,[6] supported, for instance, by the Orange Street Congregational Church and British-Israel-World Federation,[4][5] go that the British Royal Family originates from the kings of Scotland, which come from the kings of Argyleshire, which trace back to the kings of Ireland. Ultimately, according to British Israelism, a portion of the monarchy of Ireland which is linked with those of Britain starts with Tea Tephi, a supposed daughter of Zedekiah, last king of Judah. British Israelists argue that Tea Tephi was taken from Jerusalem to Ireland by the prophet Jeremiah. Once there, British Israelists argue she married Érimón and by him had a child named Íriel Fáid, who became the next High King of Ireland, and was succeeded by his son Ethriel, and so on until the British Royal Family is reached.

Another claim consists of descent from the Viking founder of the Norman dynasty, king Rollo, who married into certain European royalty which had lines tracing back to Joseph of Arimathea and, ultimately, to Adam and Eve.[2][3]


Much of such genealogies are filled with gaps that are only covered by legend, speculation, guesswork, tradition, and dubious interpretations of the Bible.

When asked if it is possible for contemporary people to extended ancestral lines back to Adam and Eve, Robert C. Gunderson, of the Genealogical Department of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, sustains:

Every pedigree I have seen which attempts to bridge the gap between that time and the biblical pedigree appears to be based on questionable tradition, or at worst, plain fabrication. Generally these pedigrees offer no evidence as to the origin of the information, or they cite a vague source.[7]

Additionally, the existence of the legendary Tea Tephi is also in question.[8]

See also


  1. ^ Evolution Theory Questioned By Creationists. Pace Press, February 2, 2009
  2. ^ a b Baxter, David; Hart, Norma (01/12/2008). For All Our Grandfathers. Ancient Family Roots Ltd. pp. 538. ISBN 9780955798009. 
  3. ^ a b Rees, Adam (8 October 2008). "Related to Adam: A Norfolk brother and sister have published a family tree that may span back 6,000 years". Retrieved 23 February 2009. 
  4. ^ a b "Beliefs of Orange Street Congregational Church". Orange Street Congregational Church. Retrieved 2009-02-23. 
  5. ^ a b "Our Beliefs". The British Israel World Federation. Retrieved 2009-02-23. 
  6. ^ a b Allen, J.H. (June 1946). Judah's Sceptre and Joseph's Birthright. Destiny Pub. pp. 377. 
  7. ^ a b Gunderson, Robert C. (31 February 1984). "I Have a Question". Ensign. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Retrieved 2009-02-13. 
  8. ^ a b "Tea-Tephi Never Existed?". Christian Assemblies International. Retrieved 23 February 2009. 
  9. ^ Congdon, George Edward: One hundred thirty-eight generations from Adam : being a pedigree traced from Adam to the present time (1910)